Wednesday, October 19, 2011

To Mayberry and Beyond…..

I have to say that I am a huge Andy Griffith fan.  I remember as a kid we all crowded around the TV to watch the show together.  I remember when the Return to Mayberry movies came out, and we got to stay up late to watch them.  Oh the memories.
Well, what does that have to do with vacation? As we were driving up Interstate 77 on our way to Virginia, we say this sign for Mt. Airy.  We had time, and we decided it was worth a stop.  We had a blast as we visited the museum.  I had no idea how many movies Andy G has starred in.  It was like reliving my childhood as we saw the old Matlock office stage and the Mayberry jail stage.  We oo’ed and aw’ed over all sorts of memorabilia.  We got to see Andy as a baby, a teenager, and then the actor.  I was so sad we couldn’t take any pictures inside the museum, but I did manage to capture a few outside…
Then, we began to tour Mt. Airy itself.  We started by visiting the birthplace of Andy.  It was such a modest little home.  His parents bought the home for $600 in the 1930’s, and they sold it for $6,000 in the 1960’s when they moved out to live near Andy in California.  It is now available to rent.
We then moved on to the Mt. Airy jail and the little Mayberry community that has been recreated there.  I got so tickled since it even had the home of the Darling family located there.  I think the thing that made it the best fun is that my kids are all huge fans of the Andy Griffith Show!  I just love it!!!!  We even got to eat lunch at the Barney café!  It was just a quick pit stop with some great memories.
mayberry 2

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw! What fun! We've never been as a family. That sounds like something we would enjoy!!