Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Dead Fish Debacle...LOL

We are in our week of Stanford 10 testing this week.  I stopped in our kindergarten room to see if our teacher needed anything.  One of the classroom pets had died overnight.  She had bought the 38 cent goldfish at Walmart so they would be easy to match.  I quick called Dan to see if he would pick one up to replace the dead one.  We just couldn't have a meltdown on testing day.  As the K5 took their bathroom break before testing, Dan and I worked to replace the dead fish.  In the process of our hurry, we knocked over the very cheaply made sea monkey tank.    Water went all over the floor.  At this point I cracked open the classroom door, and I told the teacher we needed a hand. She thought it was all hilarious... thankfully!  She was quick thinking on her feet, and suggested fill the sea monkey tank with the excess water from the fish bag, and it made all right with the world.  (Well, except for the really wet spot on the floor, and the fact that the fish Dan purchased was shorter and slightly a different color then the one before.) We thought we had made it in the clear.  After testing the students were looking at the fish when one asked why "Goldie" had changed colors.  Another then piped in to explain that fish change colors when they are about to die!  Oh no...groans could be heard around the room.  The student who noticed the color change then mentioned "Goldie" looked shorter too.  Of course, she had to look at the sea monkeys... At least she thought they were sleeping!   So, before one's hubby goes to save the day, it might help to know what the dead fish looked like!

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Hahahaahahaha.... TOO FUNNY. :D I needed this laugh.

You've been quite the little blogger lately! ;) You must have some spare time on your hands, huh? (ha ha... trust me, if you had hear me audibly say that, you would have heard my sarcasm... ) Wouldn't be any fun if I couldn't pick on you. ;)

Thanks for the laugh. ;)