Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Favorite Pasttime

There are so many things to enjoy.  This weekend, it was so enjoyable to open windows, do yard work, and plant flowers, and all of it was so relaxing.  For me, the one thing that is the epitome of stress free is fishing.  It is a big plus that my partner is my dear hubby.  We make a great team, and when those days come that just cause a need to get away, to find that quiet corner, we hit the lake.  It doesn't matter what time of year, and it doesn't matter what we catch.  In my life, I grew up near lake, and I spent so much time with my family fishing.  I can tell you stories of fishing when the temps were so cold that the water froze on my line as I reeled it in, but I was happy.  Even now, I put on layer after layer to go out in January to fish.  It is so amazing.  The sights you see while on the water are unrivaled by anything else.  Deer crossing 100 to 200 yard stretches of water with only a head barely above water, ducks, sea gulls, squirrels, sunrises, and sunsets are all things I have seen in just the last year.  It is amazing to be out enjoying God's creation in such a way.  For me, nothing beats that nibble on the end of my line, the hook set, and the fight to reel in that catch whether it is a large bass or merely a little bream!  So here is my first fish of 2010, compliments of Lake James (aka the dead sea). If you compare both pictures, you will see I have also been taught the art of framing a fish so that it always looks like a toad (that's fishing slang for really big fish)!

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