Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Big 3 - 0

Today was the day that Dan finally left his 20's. I have been relishing this day far too long. So far his transition has been much smoother than my 30 year. I seemed to have broken 3 bones in less than six months that year. It was a very nice day. It was busy and unfortunately for my early rising husband (NOT!!!) Rebekah had a 9:00 am game. We did our presents at 7:30 this morning because the girls just couldn't hold it in anymore. Thanks to Grammy and Granddad, Dan is now sporting a new Ipod Nano. He is already enjoying it, and he is looking forward to his podcasts. That means many quotes for me in the near future. I am so glad for him. We also got him some fishing stuff, but we won't bother with those details. The highlight of the night was the cake. Abby and Rebekah helped me every step of the way, and I think we were all pleased with our creation. At least we all ate our slice. Abby had two and for Sarah, she ate the frosting and the cake...that is always a news flash for her.

I have been learning some photo software tricks. I created the Dan fishing pose.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Happy Birthday to Dan -again... and I LOVE the cake. It looks great. Glad you had the opportunity to make it with the girls... those are always the best cakes, the ones you make together. :) Love you.