Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Signs of Aging?

I am not sure whether it is truly a sign of aging or just simply ironic. Dan turned the big 30 on Saturday. He has been fighting a major sinus infection for a few days. I had encouraged him to visit the doctor numerous times. Over the weekend, I was definitely feeling similar pains. I had some spots of question on my throat. Dan encouraged me to visit the doctor to be sure that I didn't have strep. It is going around like crazy here. Of course, I was sure to comment that it was ok for him to send me to the doctor on an iffy basis and for him to still not go. I set up my appointment, and Dan called shortly after and set up one as well, only we were going to be seen together. He was certain that he was fine and there would be no medicine to help him. Poor guy, when the doctor checked his ears, he questioned Dan's hearing due to the amount of fluid. He asked him if he wanted him to clean that up for him. After the doctor was done with the exam, he was telling us that there is a new study in which they determing that antibiotics don't help sinus infections. There were some flaws in the study. Dan was certain this meant no antibiotics for him. He gave me a smirk only for the doctor to inform him that regardless of the study no real doctor would let a two week old sinus infection go untreated. I am sure my smirk was bigger. So here we are both us at the doctor together and both of us with a huge bottles of pills for the next ten days. Which is the greater sign of aging: having a joint doctor's appointment or the huge bottle of antibiotics we are now taking?

1 comment:

Ellen said...

You are hilarious! Sorry that you are both under the weather... hope the medicine takes care of the pressure and discomfort.

-I wanna know who deemed 30 "old"??? I'm not old!! LOL